Welcome to The Wincheap Society

The Wincheap Society represents the interests of residents and small businesses in Wincheap and the immediately surrounding areas. Its overriding objective is to preserve and enhance the distinctive character and environmental quality of the area.

The society came into being in 1996, initially in response to the imminent development of Brett’s sports ground – now the Wincheap Retail Park (home to Morrison’s and other stores). Since then it has campaigned against or sought to modify inappropriate planning proposals which would have a negative impact on the area  The society has also supported many initiatives to improve the  local quality of life, campaigning for the alleviation of traffic and air pollution.

Important areas of concern currently affecting Wincheap relate to Air Quality and Traffic Management and issues relating to the development of the road junctions of the A2 and A28 and development of the Park and Ride site.

The Wincheap Society has published a report Wincheap 2020 Vision which sets out  proposals that will enhance the quality of life in Wincheap. Some are simple easily-achieved improvements; some are major, long-term redevelopment projects. The Society believes that all these proposals are workable, and hopes that city councillors and officers will take the time to digest the content of our document and act upon the suggestions when planning for the future.

Many documents relating to these issues and much more can be found on this web site.


Photos; Alasdair Simpson

Do we need this hoarding in Wincheap?

Planning application CA/24/02290 is for a huge 6 metre by 3 metre LED advertising hoarding at the Esso garage in Wincheap. This will shine brightly day and night and will distract drivers and shine into houses and shops. You can see how big it is by comparing it to the person looking up at it! This is in a conservation area.

You can find out more about this and comment on the planning application on the city council's website. https://pa.canterbury.gov.uk/online-applications/ The more people who comment, the more the council will have to take notice!