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A2/A28 Fourth Slip Road

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January 2018

The Wincheap Society’s comments on sections of “Thanington 4th Arm Slip Road, Walking, Cycling & Horse-Riding Assessment & Review Report“, by Peter Brett Associates, October 2017, on behalf of Pentland Properties, are set out in this document:

Walking/Cycling Report Comments

PBA’s 41-page Assessment & Report document is accessible via this link:

Walking/Cycling A&RR


December 2017

Comments for Ruth Goudie and Austin Mackie, CCC, following a meeting 22nd November 2017, including:

1. Timetabling and pollution

2. Dangerous roads and dangers to cyclists and pedestrians

Read them via this link:

Goudie/Mackie Notes


October 2017

Land Transfer nodded through Committee

On 4th October the gifting of land owned by Canterbury City Council for the 4th slip road off the A2 onto Wincheap came before the Policy and Resources Committee. The plan for the slip road put before the Committee was the same one as has been much criticised as dangerous and illogical on this website and elsewhere.

In spite of hearing sound reasons from Barney Parsons for the Wincheap Society, Graham Page for Thanington Without Parish Council and WIncheap Ward councillor Nick Eden-Green for delaying this land transfer until proper plans are in place, with dispiriting predictability it was nodded through by the councillors on the Committee.

This premature gifting of land may well come back to embarrass councillors and executives when Highways England either totally rejects the plan or requires its extensive alteration.

Barney Parsons’, Nick Eden-Green’s and Graham Page’s presentations can be read here:


STOP PRESS 29th September 2017

On 4th October 2017 Canterbury City Council’s Policy and Resources Committee has agenda’d the transfer of CCC’s land marked in yellow and blue on the plan below to KCC and Highways England respectively, to enable them to construct the 4th slip road.  The transfer allocations set out in this are based almost to the inch on the assumption that plans discussed below in our August Report will be approved by Highways England.  The possibility that Highways England may reject KCC’s and CCC’s draft plans as unsafe and unsuitable is not contemplated.  THERE IS NO PLAN B.  CCC appears to be confident that what is currently on the table is what will come to pass. Never mind the concerns expressed over the past few months by residents and their representatives and consultants on this website and elsewhere. WHAT YOU SEE IS WHAT YOU’RE GOING TO GET – so run away and play.

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August and May 2017 Reports and Schedules

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The Wincheap Society has received copies of two plans for the 4th slip road, which have been produced since the one we commented on in May (see the link below dated May 2017, and our comments repeated in our latest report and schedule.)  The two subsequent plans are equally problematic.  All three plans are set out via the link below with our comments and queries in the August Report and Schedule 2.

August Report

Schedule 2

A2/A28 4th slip road queries May 2017